Call 541.760.0038

L Jill Martin

Realtor of Equal Housing Opportunities
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    1. You have but one property to show; today, homes are bought by comparison.
    2. You do not know the tastes and requirements of the buyer, nor do you have first-hand knowledge of competitive values.
    3. You do not know how to write a contract that is certain to be valid.
    4. The buyer is timid about discussing his financial status with you and you are similarly reluctant.
    5. You do not have time to leave your job to help the buyer arrange his financing, nor do you have expert knowledge of the current home loan market.
    6. You cannot readily negotiate price with a buyer. But, the third party, your Realtor, can work out the negotiations.
    7. The average visitor will not admit freely to you his likes or dislikes, yet these must be brought into the open.
    8. You cannot "follow-up," since this at once will be interpreted as your anxiety to sell in a hurry.
    9. You may make needless outlays to improve your property for selling; the Realtor's experience can save you needless expense.
    10. You hear conflicting suggestions from well-meaning friends; the Realtor has answers from experience.
    11. You may show your property to 100 would-be buyers, spend your time, money and effort - and eventually pay a commission to a broker who properly screens prospective purchasers.
    12. You may accept an insincere offer and then spend months, perhaps in litigation, to free your property in order to put it on the market once more.
    13. You may find buyer's and seller's personalities conflict, thereby losing a good sale. The Realtor, as a third party, can diplomatically consummate the sale.
    14. Most buyers seek the services of reputable brokers because they realize the pitfalls of direct negotiation.
    15. The Realtor will enlist the services-of fellow real estate men, giving the owner the advantage of his entire local sales market.
    16. The Realtor will price the property to sell at a fair market figure. The average owner overprices but eventually accepts a price below the market value